Payment is easy and secure

Payment Options & Terms

Payment on the day of service

Secure Tap and Pay with your Debit or Credit Card. Cash is also accepted.

Payment for remote connection IT support

After the remote connection service is completed, I will email you an invoice.

Payment terms

Each service to be paid for on the day it is completed. A receipt will be issued once the payment has processed.

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IT Support Services for Business & Home

Our Services

Computer Software - Installation, Configuration and Upgrades
Computer Software - Installation and Upgrades

Assistance with installation of your computer's software applications

03 - Microsoft Windows 11 reinstall
Microsoft Windows 11 OS reinstall

Reinstallation of the Windows 11 OS can fix many issues on your computer

02 - Microsoft Windows 11 OS upgrade
Microsoft Windows 11 OS upgrade

Installing Windows 11 OS will improve the performance and security

05 - Microsoft Windows 10 OS upgrade
Microsoft Windows 10 OS upgrade

Upgrading to Windows 10 for your PC will improve performance and security

02 - Apple Mac - Operating System Upgrade
Mac OS
Apple Mac - Operating System Upgrade

Upgrading your operating system can improve performance and security.

01 - Apple Mac - Operating System Installation
Mac OS
Apple Mac - Operating System Installation

Installing the latest Apple OS will enable best performance and security

03 - Apple Mac - Operating System Reinstall
Mac OS
Apple Mac - Operating System Reinstall

Reinstalling the operating system can improve performance and security.

Cyber Security Check Up
Mac OS
Cyber Security Check Up

Do you want to improve the level of security for your computer and online accounts?

Click here for more
Need Help with your computer System?